Artist Profiles
Welcome to our blog. We hope to inspire you!
Wimiya Woodley
Wimiya is a young Yindibarndi emerging artist who has a passionate interest in his culture and all art forms including performance and dance. He has grown up in the midst of his culture, camping and travelling his Yindjibarndi ngurra ...
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Alice Guiness
Alice Guinness is a Yindjibarndi woman who was born at Goodabinyia. Alice has been painting for many years at art centres across Roebourne. Her work features the Burndud/ Bundut Circle, an important story in...
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Judith Coppin
Judith is an Yindjibarndi Elder and Cultural Custodian, highly respected artist and community worker. Since 2010, Judith has been creating beautiful acrylic paintings on canvas. In the past three years she has extende...
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Wendy Hubert
Wendy Hubert is a respected Yindjibarndi Elder, Cultural Custodian and Linguist who has lived passionately and supported her Roebourne and Yindjibarndi community for more than 40 years. As Wendy paints, she inspires our young people ...
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